Ice bros. in a 3d mario platformer
Ice bros. in a 3d mario platformer

Sunshine has two great strengths going for it: it’s not afraid to throw new stuff against the Super Mario wall and see what sticks, and it still packs that patented Mario punch of pure joy. What’s wrong with that, though? When an idea’s been around as long as Super Mario has, it should be trying to explore new territory with each iteration. Are the setting, secondary characters, and core mechanics all unique for a Mario game, almost distractingly so? Yep. Is it unusually hard for a Mario game? Yeah. 2, Super Mario Sunshine has long suffered from an unnecessarily bad reputation. The weirdest mainline Mario game since the American version of Super Mario Bros. It isn’t content to aimlessly rehash Mario’s past-it approaches that history with reverence but also inspiration, spinning new threads out of old cloth Super Mario 3D World doles out inventive new wrinkles throughout the course of the game, regularly surprising you with familiar but subtly changed mechanics. The cat suit might be the most visible addition to Super Mario 3D World, but it’s not the only twist on an old idea. It’s just not quite as good as the rest of the list. 3D Land was the first of these two, and remains a fun, well-designed, and impressive game. Consider it as almost a bridge between the traditional side-scrolling Mario games and the fully-fleshed out, 3D open world games in the vein of Super Mario 64. The levels are generally more linear than the open-world areas you’ll find in games like Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Sunshine.

ice bros. in a 3d mario platformer

Quizzically, the Super Mario games that actually have 3D in their name- Super Mario 3D Land and Super Mario 3D World-don’t partake in the new freedoms afforded by the 3D platformer as much as the other five games on this list. So let’s dive on in to the clear blue waters of 3D Mario platformers. These have been what most consider the main line of Mario games since 1996, and with the new collection fresh on everybody’s Switches, this is as good a time as any to rank ‘em all.

ice bros. in a 3d mario platformer

Mario’s name has been used in so many different games and genres that it can get a little confusing trying to plot out the different Mario subfranchises, but the 3D platformers represent a relatively straightforward and clear cut lineage. That means the first 3D Mario game, the weirdest 3D Mario game, and the best 3D Mario game are all now playable on the Switch.

ice bros. in a 3d mario platformer

A bevy of classic Mario games triple jump onto the Switch today with the release of Super Mario 3D All Stars, a collection of two of the best Mario games ever made- Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Galaxy-and the polarizing cult fave Super Mario Sunshine.

Ice bros. in a 3d mario platformer